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Laboratories and Equipment at the Department

    Mechanical Engineering department characterized by a group of well-equipped laboratories which serve both of students and curriculums at different stages .These laboratories include:


1-  Heat and Turbines laboratory:

     This laboratory serves the 3rd year students, bachelor stage and post graduate studies students where it includes full steam plant to generate electricity for simulating the existing ones at labor market, in addition to gas turbines which simulates gas generation plant and it also includes air compressor up to 13 Bar.



2-Combustion Plant Laboratory:

    This laboratory contains several of gauges, in addition to gasoline engine which contains six-cylinder dynamometer to measure capacity and temperatures at multiple points.


3-Properties and Resistance of Materials Laboratory:

  This laboratory serves students of the second and third year, bachelor stage and post graduate studies students. It also includes metal screening of x- rays in addition to machines of tensile, shock, creep and torsion which are used to perform various tests on samples. It also contains electronic milling machine and electronic drill machine.



4-Automatic Control and Measurements laboratory

     This laboratory serves students of Bachelor stage and Post Graduate Studies where it contains various equipment for measuring Surface roughness at the laboratory or at any other site, it also contains projector device for measuring the three dimensional of samples.



5-Metallurgy Laboratory

    This laboratory serves students at the 2nd , 3rd year and Post Graduate Studies where it contains Electronic Microscope and Metallurgy Microscope to examine samples in addition to Metal Analysis Unit for analyzing metals , it also contains  two ovens for  metals’ treatment where each oven up to 1600 degree Celsius.


6-Methods of Illustration Laboratory

   This laboratory serves the 5th year students at specialty of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and the 3rd year students at Maintenance subject. The laboratory contains fan air with a fully equipped tunnel for doing experiments and tests, in addition to several measurement equipment, auto bodies and turbine blades.

7- Accurate Measurements and Automatic Control Laboratory

    This laboratory serves all stages and Post Graduate Studies students and it includes large number of Digital micrometers devices and Indicators which used to measure degree of flat surfaces. 



8- Fluids Mechanic Laboratory

    This laboratory serves the 2nd year students where it includes hydraulic control device, measuring the Flow rate equipment and Pressure calibration device