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Displaying items by tag: terrorism

Benha University sadly receives the two pieces of news of the terrorist attacks on the church Mary Gerges in Tanta and the church of Mary Morkos in Alexandria which result in many causalities and the death of many Egyptians, but Terrorism will never terrify Egyptians and Egypt will never be defeated as the Egyptians will always stand firm and united against these mean incidents.

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Benha University sadly receives the two pieces of news of the terrorist attacks on the church Mary Gerges in Tanta and the church of Mary Morkos in Alexandria which result in many causalities and the death of many Egyptians, but Terrorism will never terrify Egyptians and Egypt will never be defeated as the Egyptians will always stand firm and united against these mean incidents.

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Benha University sadly receives the two pieces of news of the terrorist attacks on the church Mary Gerges in Tanta and the church of Mary Morkos in Alexandria which result in many causalities and the death of many Egyptians, but Terrorism will never terrify Egyptians and Egypt will never be defeated as the Egyptians will always stand firm and united against these mean incidents.

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The president of Benha University, the deputies, the faculties' deans, the faculties' members, the teaching assistants and the students condemn the terrorist attack in the north of Sinai against the Christians. The university stands firm and united in the face of terrorism and those who conspire against Egypt.

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Benha University has launched an initiative under the title of “NO To Terrorism” in solidarity with efforts of the State in facing this brutal enemy. Prof. Dr. Gamal Sousa, the General Supervisor of the University Hostels said that a youth initiative has been launched with participation of all sports teams to deliver a message to all Egyptian students that "we are fighting terrorism and the Egyptian people appears in adversities" pointing out that the state is stronger than any terrorism.

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