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Department of Electrical Engineering seeks to provide students with a high quality education which enables them from serving their community by their high techniques and various skills. On the other hand, the Department aims to achieve the following;

1-   Developing the students’ abilities and enabling them from solving problems and issues which face them with their commitment to all aspects of environmental, ethical and social as well as technical matters.

2-   Enabling students to act as part of a team, and prepare them for continuing education throughout their careers.

 3-   Providing students with vocational skills which are related to one of the following branches: Communication engineering- Computer engineering- Control engineering- Power engineering.

 First: Communication Engineering

The graduates of this specialization work at the following;

1-    Installation, management and maintenance of many communications systems, microwave systems, radar, optical communication systems, laser communication systems and mobile communication systems, etc.

2-    Electronic devices in various industrial facilities.

3-    Control systems, sensors and associated devices.


Second: Computer Engineering

The graduates of this specialization work in design, construction, operation and maintenance of:

1-  Computer networks.

2-  Specialized computer labs.

3-    Building operating systems for special purposes.

Third: Control Engineering

The graduates of this specialization work in the following;

1-  Supervision and maintenance of PLC in factories.

2-  Control the industrial business.

Fourth: Power Engineering

The graduates of this specialization work at the following;

1-  Electric power stations.

2-  Transmission lines and substations to high voltage.

3-   Medium voltage.

4-  Load Distribution Centers.

The Community service:

1- Maintenance of the computer.

 2- Computer programming for example VISUAL C + +, C, MATLAB, ORCAD


5-  Database design-

6-  Programming PLC.

1-  Get CCNA

7-  Siemens Labs Courses.

 8- Protection Courses.

9-Safety and security Courses.