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By Cooperation with Egyptian Space Agency: Benha University opens the Second Summer School for Space Science

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Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, the acting President of Benha University has held a meeting to discuss opening date of the second Summer School for Space science which will be opened at Obour Campus with collaboration of the Egyptian Space Agency. The meeting was held in presence of Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students 'Affairs, Dr. Gamal Soussa, the general supervisor on Community Service and Environment Affairs, Dr. Hazem Elewa, the acting manager of El Obour Branch, Dr.Amr Hanfy, the Coordinator of Benha University with Egyptian Space Agency, Dr. Mohamed Kassab, Dr.Wasim Essa and Dr. Ali Tag El Din.
In the same context; Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president said that the Summer School in the field of science and technology of space and satellite aims to spread knowledge of space science among Egyptian university students, to link their academic studies with practical reality. El Gizawy said also that the theoretical part of the summer school started via distance learning on the videoconference platform "Zoom" and the practical classes will start tomorrow at Obour Campus by dividing the applicants into six different training groups, and each trainee will be required to submit a practical project that will be evaluated by professionals in that field.
On the other hand, Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students 'Affairs has said that 500 student from different faculties and institutes of Engineering all around Egypt have joined that school and he added that the theoretical part of study will start in July 2021 and the practical part will start in August and he hopes for all students best wishes and success.

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