The college aspires to achieve a distinguished position at the national, regional, and international levels in engineering education, scientific research...


The college is committed to preparing engineering professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the job market...


The general objectives of the college are as follows: Enhancing the quality of education and learning while striving to provide distinguished educational services...


Important Announcement for Information Research Service Centre (IRSC)

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Under auspice of Prof.Dr.Gamal El Saeed, Benha University president, Community service and Environment development affairs sector announces about starting receiving application for appointing a general director for Information Research Service Centre (IRSC). The applicants should fulfill the following conditions to be accepted at the required position as following; the applicant must be a faculty member staff, he should have a plan to develop the center and its resources. The applicants can register at deadline two weeks of the announcement at the following website;

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