The college aspires to achieve a distinguished position at the national, regional, and international levels in engineering education, scientific research...


The college is committed to preparing engineering professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the job market...


The general objectives of the college are as follows: Enhancing the quality of education and learning while striving to provide distinguished educational services...


Benha University organizes a Workshop bout the Egyptian Knowledge Bank in the Conference Hall

Under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, Benha University holds, on Sunday 19-2-2017, a workshop bout the Egyptian Knowledge bank at the conference hall in the faculty of commerce. This workshop is held in cooperation with the Digital library unit of the supreme council of the universities, the publishers, the companies which participate in the Egyptian Knowledge bank. The workshop is held in the presence of prof.Dr. Osama Hamed, the deputy of the faculty of arts, prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizawy, the deputy of the faculty of agriculture and prof.Dr. Khalid Eid, the deputy of the faculty of arts.


A Workshop about the Egyptian Knowledge Bank to be held from 19-1-2017 to 20-1-2017

Benha University is honored to invite the faculties’ members, researchers and students to attend that training course on how to access the information available in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. This workshop will be held in cooperation with the digital library unit in the supreme council of the universities, the publishers, the companies which are participating in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank from 19-1-2017 to 20-1-2017 at the conferences hall in the faculty of commerce.


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