The college aspires to achieve a distinguished position at the national, regional, and international levels in engineering education, scientific research...


The college is committed to preparing engineering professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the job market...


The general objectives of the college are as follows: Enhancing the quality of education and learning while striving to provide distinguished educational services...


“Extra Lessons will be given to the Stduents of Schools” says the University President

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president announces that there will be a center of lessons to be established for the students of the schools in the frame of the university and its faculties endeavor to serve the community. The university president stresses that, in the university's leaders council which includes the faculties deans and the university president chancellors, the different university's faculties should prepare curriculums that will be taught to the students of the schools. The university president says that the aim of establishing such centers is not only service the community, but also help to decrease the burdens over the parents' shoulders in addition to achieving an accomplishment of Benha university among the Egyptian and international universities.

“Establishing Four New Faculties including; the Faculty of Dentistry” says Benha University President in the Third Scientific Conference of Dentistry

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president announces that it is planned to establish four faculties in the university including; the faculty of dentistry and the feasibility studies to set up the new faculty's building is going to be prepared. There are faculty' members that will be hired according to the quality criteria. 
The university stresses, during the third scientific conference of dentistry which is organized by the dentistry syndicate in Qulubia, that a new specialized hospital will be established to meet the demands of the governorate and the other nearby governorates and there will be new faculties to be established; like the faculty of pharmacy, the faculty of the sciences of health services. The university president adds that there is cooperation with the ministry of health, represented by Dr. Nasif El-Hefnawy, the deputy of the ministry of health in Qulubia, to provide a quality healthcare to the patients. This conference is attended by Dr. Nasif El-Hefnawy, the deputy of the ministry of health in Qulubia, Dr. Tarek Abbas, the head of the Egyptian assembly of surgeons, Dr. Sherif El-Basos, the head of the central administration of dentistry and Dr. Zaki Helmy, the head of the dentists in Qulubia.

The faculty honors azza EL-Rabat for filling the position of the head of the university’s certificate extraction center

 The faculty honors azza EL-Rabat for filling the position of the head of the university’s certificate extraction center. The ceremony is attended by prof.Dr. Sameh Nada, the faculty’s dean, prof. Dr. Aref solimn, the faculty deputy of student n deduction affairs, Ahmed El-Bitar, the acting head of the department of mechanical engineering and the supervisor of the center, Mr. Samir abu El-fotouh, the faculty manger, the employees, the students.

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