The college aspires to achieve a distinguished position at the national, regional, and international levels in engineering education, scientific research...


The college is committed to preparing engineering professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the job market...


The general objectives of the college are as follows: Enhancing the quality of education and learning while striving to provide distinguished educational services...


Cooperation Protocol between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Benha University

Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and Ambassador Alaa Hegazy, the Assistant of Foreign Affairs Minister for the Diplomatic, Consular and Inspection Corps have signed a cooperation protocol between Benha University and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in presence of the Ambassador Sameh Shoukry , Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is worth mentioning that the protocol aims to strengthen bonds of cooperation between Benha University and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the fields of information technology and digital transformation. Prof. Dr.Gamal Sosa expressed his happiness after signing this protocol, which was initiated by Benha University, as an affirmation of its keenness to achieve the objectives of Egypt's Vision 2030 to have an economy based on innovation and knowledge. He also added that this initiative reflects the full understanding and awareness of both institutions about importance of the latest developments of information technology and their ability to use them optimally to meet their needs. On the other hand, the signed protocol was attended by Dr. Islam El-Shaarawy, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Benha University, and Dr. Shady Yahia El-Mashad , the Deputy of Chief Information Officer at Benha University.

Dr.Gamal Sosa heads Leadership Selection Committee to interviews Candidatures for Faculty of Education Deanship

Leadership Selection Committee at Benha University held its meeting to interview candidatures who applied for Faculty of Education deanship.
The meeting was headed by Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and membership of the following members Dr. Shaban Taha, the former Vice president for Education and Students Affairs, Dr.Abu El Soaud Mohamed, the former dean for Faculty of Education and Dr. Mohbat Mahmoud Hafez, the former dean for Faculty of Gils at Ain Shams University. The Committee listened to their opinions, plans, vision and the ability to make decisions and solve problems. For his part, Prof.Gamal Sosa confirmed that the selection of leaders is done according to their efficiency, previous performance and Experience.

Ministerial Decisions for Appointing New Directors General at Benha University

Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research has issued ministerial decisions for appointing general directors at Benha University.
Dr.Gamal Sosa mentioned that the ministerial decisions included appointing Mrs. Rania Moataz Essa as Assistant Secretary of the University for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs and Mohamed Mahmoud Fahmy has been appointed as Director General of Libraries at Benha University.

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