The college aspires to achieve a distinguished position at the national, regional, and international levels in engineering education, scientific research...


The college is committed to preparing engineering professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the job market...


The general objectives of the college are as follows: Enhancing the quality of education and learning while striving to provide distinguished educational services...


Almaghrabi inspects the Exams at Benha Faculty of Engineering

Prof. Dr. Hussien Almaghrabi, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students ' Affairs has inspected the conduct of 2nd term exams 2019/2020 for final year students at the Faculty of Engineering. During his extensive tour, Almaghrabi has reassured for the conduct of exams and the University precautionary measures to limit the spread of novel Corona Virus "Covid-19

Benha University Launches "Know Your Committee Application

In cooperation with the University E-portal and the Management Information System Unit "MIS", The Faculty of Commerce, Benha University has launched a new application "Know your Committee" to assist the student to know his committee easily by entering the national ID number. In the same context, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Alabady, the Faculty Dean said the new application is being launched for the first time in Benha University in the light of the University President recommendations to provide all amenities for students during the exams

Benha University receives the Applicants for the Leadership Positions

The Leadership Selection Committee in Benha University has held interviews today to the applicants for the University leadership positions which include: Renewing for the University Assistant Secretary General for Administrative Affairs, General Manager of Purchases and Stores, General Manager of Education Affairs, Secretary General for the Faculty of Law, and General Manager of Medical Affairs.
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